UPDATE: photo added
I opened a big box full(!) of presents from GG and Papa Russ the other night (which filled all the space under our tree with thirteen(!) individually wrapped packages). "For Dylan", you said, pointing. Some were for you, but I said you had to wait until Christmas.
This seems like a good time to point out that Mom suggested it wasn't a good idea to take all the gifts out of the big box so early and then leave them on the floor for a week, but I brushed off her concerns.
I got up (early) with you the next morning. You ate breakfast and got hooked on a Thomas video. I left to take a shower.
After a nice long shower I noticed two things immediately: 1)mom was still in bed, and 2)I couldn't hear any sound coming from the living room. The only question that came to mind was "how many?"
The answer was "more than I would count". You had gotten into the shipping box, spilled the packing popcorn all over the floor and were happily tearing the stuffing out of the stuffing, as it were.
