I invisioned my first post including much more fanfare, or at least an introduction, but as I keep waiting for the right moment to create it, I have begun to realize it just isn't going to happen. I could and would like to say a million things, but really there just are no words to explain how the experiences of the last two years have transformed me on every level. Including those many levels I don't even know exist. You just had to be there :)
Instead, I will just start with the present (or last week really) and carry on. That is, after all, what life is all about.
So, Dad took a little "vacation" from us and made the trip up to see his family alone. It was the longest stretch I have ever had you all to myself. It was a challenge, mostly because you had a cold and had to stay home from school, but also because I had a lot of house issues to deal with and you were supposed to be at school, not bouncing around the house while I was doing them.
One night while we were going through your bedtime routine, I stepped out of the room for a moment. When I returned you had one of Dad's socks on (spanning the length of the most of your leg, ankle to thigh), and were working on the other one. You looked up to give me one of those "look what I did" grins, then proceeded to explain, in case I hadn't noticed, you had your socks on. I was quite impressed with your ability to put them on and pull them up as you have not yet mastered even getting your flinstone toes into the openings of your own little socks.
I guess size does matter.
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