December 2005
Labor Day 2007

Labor Day 2008
It's been a running joke since you were born 16 hours apart- although really the comments started while you two were in utero. So far you have proven to be no match for Zoe. Having an older brother, she has mastered the art of manipulation early and generally leaves you crying in her wake. However, as Uncle Marc will attest to, you have to watch out for those childhood girl friends who push your buttons.
I don't think it was the childhood girl friend who did the button pushing, but maybe the other way around =)
Good to see you guys back on the blog!
Yes anonymous, you are right. I was using that description loosely in his case as said girl, who most likely didn't consider him her friend at that point in time, must have had some sort of subconscious control or grip on Uncle Marc which caused him to torture said girl just so. Or possibly he was just being, well... Marc???
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