We spent the last couple of weeks on vacation. There were a million little things that would have made for great blog posts, but it's hard to recapture them once they start getting a little stale. Here's one that made a lasting impression:
We rode the ferry from Edmonds to Kingston and back again. While in Kingston (which you preferred to call "Kingstontown" in reference to a great little song you learned at your old school) we started chatting with a man who asked about your hat. It turned out that his girlfriend was the Captain of the boat we were waiting to take us back across the Sound. In a very generous gesture, she invited us all up to the bridge.
It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You got to drive the boat the whole way back -- steering all the while -- and even got to blow the giant horn to signal our coming in to dock. This boat was the Puyallup, which as a Jumbo Mark II Class ferry(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Puyallup) is one of the second-largest double-ended ferries in the world.
I called Uncle Chris right away. He's always been a huge Washington State Ferry fan and I knew he'd be jealous.
You even got to push the buttons! (although the Captain asked you not to push the red one which disengages the auto-pilot):
And you got a great tutorial on shipboard radar:
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