Friday, May 25, 2007



You've been saying new words at a fast and furious pace lately. Some of them are still the kind of thing only a parent can interpret, like the way you say "grean beans" sounds more like "mean mean", but more and more you're hitting it just right and sounding like a real wordsmith.

This morning you pointed at your lower lip and said, clear as a bell, "mouth".

You also have a very well-developed "no".


eye drops


You have Pink Eye again. Damn daycare.


big shoes


This morning you stepped into my shoes and walked around for the first time. I wish I had gotten a picture.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

cardboard box


Grandpa made you a house from a cardboard box he'd been saving for months:


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

last night


Last night after you'd been in bed about two hours, I heard you crying. I lifted my head off the pillow and quickly remembered that both of your legs had been sticking out through the crib rails when I went to tuck you in before going to bed myself.

You probably woke up and rolled over -- not necessarily in that order -- and things just didn't go as smoothly as you'd like.

I listened for 20-30 seconds as you worked things out on your own, and we both went to sleep.


Friday, May 18, 2007



You've started giving us spontaneous hugs. Sometimes you even add a reassuring little pat on the back, as if you actually know just how much your tiny-armed hug really means to us.

You've also gotten into the habit of giving mommy a hug and a kiss each night at bedtime.

Precious incarnate.


happy walk


When you're in a good mood it sometimes shows in the way you carry yourself. You have an almost happy-go-lucky way of walking where you pull both arms from front to back in unison, bringing your little fists just together up high out in front of your chest before throwing both arms back and out in a big swinging motion. This happy walk is normally paired with the serenity of your own little universe apparent on your face.

May you never lose this capacity for contentment.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

buenos habitos


You love washing your hands.

We have a little two-step ladder/stool in front of the bathroom sink and you never pass up an opportunity to climb up and employ the facilities. You always want to grab and rotate the faucet. You can tell it triggers the water flow but I don't think you've made the connection to the water temperature yet.

I always have to be quick to get your sleeves pushed up because you'll grab and pump the soap dispenser ASAP.

I didn't know this before Mom told me yesterday but you get to wash your hands at daycare after every diaper change. That's a good habit to get into.


Monday, May 14, 2007



I took you to an Urgent Care appointment this morning because of a rash we first noticed Saturday night. It's little red spots on slightly raised patches all over your body, most noticeable on your torso.

It struck me as not being a big deal, especially since you exhibited no other symptoms, but I could tell Mom was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Thinking back over your meals and snacks the days prior turned up nothing suspicious.

A web search brought one candidate to mind: medication. For the last 8 days you'd been taking Amoxicillin in the form of a sweet, wildly pink liquid. Though you took to the stuff like a seagull to a french fry, it was the only new thing in your diet and the information I found suggested it could take as long as two weeks for medicine allergic rashes to appear.

The doc confirmed our suspicions and says we should operate under the assumption that you have a mild allergy to penicillin, and it's good that you didn't have any troubles breathing. Yeah.

Make a mental note of this one, Dylan. You'll get asked about it at doctor visits for the rest of your natural life.


milestone #114


Saturday night we visited our old neighbors in their new house for the first time. You played with their 3- and 5-year olds while the adults had dinner in the other room. We checked in from time to time, but it was great that you and we were each able to do our own socializing without the hassles of constant supervision.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007



If ever you search for meaning, don't bother assessing whether or not it is there, but rather what it is to you.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007



You turned 18 months old yesterday.
