Sunday, October 30, 2011



You have a deep-seated fascination with shoes.

From the time you first started crawling and would take any opportunity to assault footwear within your sphere of ambulation you have displayed an unusually over-developed affinity for shoes.

Now that you have shoes of your own (and having just started walking this week) you not only want to take them out of their boxes, taste, and play with them you very much want to put them on and wear them around. Yesterday you sat on my lap and I offered you a shoe to play with as a distraction. Instead of taking what I had practically shoved into your lap you raised a dainty foot, toe extended so I could put it on for you. Fitting, I suppose for the daughter of a couple who met in a shoe store.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stepping stones

Ruby,you took your first genuine steps today. You've been threatening for months now, free standing like a pro, making it very clear what side of the family you get your balance skills from. Then suddenly this evening as I placed you in a free stand position a few feet from where Dad had just entered the house after a long day of grape-picking you decided to become bipedal. As I turned around to clean the floor under your highchair you apparently took a few steps, squatted down as if to return to hands and knees, then thought better of it, and returned to stand to take a few more steps.
You proceeded to demonstrate your new found skill periodically throughout the evening, unsure of what the big cheers were all about each time you did so, but joining in on the smiling and clapping just the same.
Your signing, language and motor skills are exploding all at once...very cool!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Precious Stones


When you asked me for permission to use a hammer to break apart some landscaping rocks to expose their precious innards and sell them to people I tried to throw a little cold water on your earnings expectations.

When you borrowed a hammer and eye protection then disappeared into the driveway I was just glad to have you occupied.

When I agreed to let you sell your wares in front of the house I didn't imagine you'd even engage anyone with a proposition, much less close any business.

When you asked me how to spell "piece" I didn't even consider the bigger picture.

And then I went to call you in for dinner. I saw you across the street having just finished a cash transaction with a rare (and very pleased) pedestrian. I saw you had a five dollar bill in your hand and couldn't believe it. As you explained how you had gone door to door with your box of rocks and slick sales pitch you pulled out another thirteen(!) dollars from your pocket. You explained that we could give this money to a company. The kind that helps bring food to countries that are too hot and dry to grow their own so those people won't die.

I was very impressed with your success, and hearing that you'd sold people on the charity fund-raising line helped make at least some sense of the $10 bill you were holding as well.

You were so pleased you kept singing "this is the best day of my life", experimenting with different tunes.

Now we will research some charities and send someone the $18 you raised.

You are creative, fearless, and unstoppable. My challenge is to keep you safe in the meantime.


Wednesday, October 05, 2011


10+12=22 8+8=16 I Am very very good at math! Are you? 5+5=10 1000+1000=2000 wow that's awesome.Ruby is MY baby sister she is 10 months old!