Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas presence


UPDATE: photo added

I opened a big box full(!) of presents from GG and Papa Russ the other night (which filled all the space under our tree with thirteen(!) individually wrapped packages). "For Dylan", you said, pointing. Some were for you, but I said you had to wait until Christmas.

This seems like a good time to point out that Mom suggested it wasn't a good idea to take all the gifts out of the big box so early and then leave them on the floor for a week, but I brushed off her concerns.


I got up (early) with you the next morning. You ate breakfast and got hooked on a Thomas video. I left to take a shower.

After a nice long shower I noticed two things immediately: 1)mom was still in bed, and 2)I couldn't hear any sound coming from the living room. The only question that came to mind was "how many?"

The answer was "more than I would count". You had gotten into the shipping box, spilled the packing popcorn all over the floor and were happily tearing the stuffing out of the stuffing, as it were.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007



Last weekend you dragged your little bicycle (with training wheels) out of the garage and could actually turn the pedals.

Four weeks ago you could reach 'em but not turn 'em. Now you're riding all the way up the block to visit friends. You've got the steering down pretty well, too.


Friday, December 07, 2007

while you were sleeping


One night last week while you were already asleep, a poisonous centipede about 6-7" long managed to crawl in under the front door. Mom just happened to get up from her late night reading and find it in the kitchen, just inches from the door to your tiny room. Though on the other side of the door, it was found not more than 2 feet from where you were asleep.

Uncle Marc (who had experienced a centipede several times larger while in Sri Lanka) ably removed it. Well, sort of. He very ably captured it and put it on display in his own room for a while until -- at Mom's repeated insistence -- he finally removed it a good distance from our unit (where he continued its display by leaving it in an overturned clear plastic cup beneath a rock.

As insects go, it was very impressive. But it's a scary thing when some small thing with such potential for harm can wriggle within such proximity to you. It reminds us that no amount of vigilance over your care, your protection, and your safety is to excess.


mexico nap


It's been routine for many months now to take your naps at "home" in the car. At nap time we put you in the car, you fall asleep and we park you in the garage.

In Mexico this just wasn't going to be an option, so you and I had a little talk. I told you that in Mexico we take naps in our beds, not in the car. And I said what that meant for you was taking your naps in the Pack-N-Play we brought with us. You indicated that you understood, so to be sure I asked you where you were going to take your nap that day. You pointed at the Pack-N-Play and said, "there". I said "Yes. Thank you."

It was a very civilized conversation.

Most every morning when we left the pool I told you we were going to go have lunch and then take a nap. You started calling it a "Mexico nap" and after eating you would actually run to your bedside where I would help you in, cover you and Ivan H. Bear with your ABC blanket, and you'd take it from there.

You've always been an excellent napper at school, but not so good at home. I was really hoping to carry over your "Mexico naps" post-vacation. Mom was able to put you down for a pair of two hour naps this week, in your crib, on your non-school days. Huge. Absolutely huge. Nice job.




We spent last week in Mexico on vacation. You spent a lot of time in the pool -- at least once a day, usually twice -- and had a great time climbing up and down stairs, usually pausing to jump from the lowest step.

You impressed a lot of people with your Spanish. It seemed to bring out special smiles when paired with such blond hair and blue eyes.
