Friday, December 07, 2007

mexico nap


It's been routine for many months now to take your naps at "home" in the car. At nap time we put you in the car, you fall asleep and we park you in the garage.

In Mexico this just wasn't going to be an option, so you and I had a little talk. I told you that in Mexico we take naps in our beds, not in the car. And I said what that meant for you was taking your naps in the Pack-N-Play we brought with us. You indicated that you understood, so to be sure I asked you where you were going to take your nap that day. You pointed at the Pack-N-Play and said, "there". I said "Yes. Thank you."

It was a very civilized conversation.

Most every morning when we left the pool I told you we were going to go have lunch and then take a nap. You started calling it a "Mexico nap" and after eating you would actually run to your bedside where I would help you in, cover you and Ivan H. Bear with your ABC blanket, and you'd take it from there.

You've always been an excellent napper at school, but not so good at home. I was really hoping to carry over your "Mexico naps" post-vacation. Mom was able to put you down for a pair of two hour naps this week, in your crib, on your non-school days. Huge. Absolutely huge. Nice job.


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