Thursday, December 06, 2012

2-yr checkup


Just two weeks past your second birthday you weigh 28 pounds and are a full 36" tall.

Your height places you at about the 90th percentile, while your weight is down around the 60th. Amazingly, your Body Mass Index is below the 25th percentile.

A popular, though not reliable way to predict a child's adult height is to take their height at 2 years and double it. Another approach is to combine the height of both parents, add five inches, then divide it in half. These methods suggest you might reach or exceed 5' 10". Wow.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Math Baby


You turned some math play into a work of art. Nice.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


A conversation after Dylan came home from an evening at his friend's house... Mom: "So, what did you eat for dinner?" Dylan: "Well, I ate a lot of pickles to start with..."

dissertation on warmth

"First, I am thankful for Earth's atmosphere because it is what keeps warmth at Earth's surfece and warmth is verey, verey, inportant to us, and others. Next, I am thankful for the planet star, (also known as: the Sun.) Because it is what transports Heat from space to Earth's atmosphere, to Earth surfece. Last, I am thankful for the core of the Earth because it keeps underground tunels warm. Once again, warmth is very very inprtant to have with you."

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thursday, August 02, 2012

"thank you daddy"

Ruby, Several times today when I helped you with something, reached something for you, or otherwise helped you out you responded with "thank you daddy" and it was amazingly adorable every single time. Daddy

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Serious reader


You read a 26-page chapter of <u>Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban</u> all by yourself the other day -- the one titled "Dementors".

You'll be starting first grade next month.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Danger Above


Inspired, I think, by the paper version of a computer game created by our friends James and Grant you wrote out an interactive version of Angry Birds.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Titanic story

Self-initiated writing project after reading a National Geographic article on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic:

The Titanic did not sink because a bomber dropped a bomb on it or a submarine shot it from underwater. The way this huge ship sank was a 50 foot iceberg scraping her starboard causing it to crack right in front of the third funnel.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Four Feet


You had your 6-year checkup today and are officially four feet tall (80th %ile) and weigh in at 49 pounds (60th)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2nd Grade Math


Today in your after-school math club you transitioned to a new workbook aimed at second-graders.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fourteen months and counting


Receptive language is upon us.

The other day while in the family room you were trying to eat the tissue I'd just wiped your nose with. I told you it was dirty, made the "dirty" sign and asked you to go throw it in the garbage. You promptly headed over to the garbage can, looking back at me a few times along the way as if to make sure I was watching. The basket was blocked by a chair but this didn't stop you. You daintily navigated around the chair, eyes on me, and placed the tissue in the garbage can. Actually you put it in the recycling, but I haven't yet pointed out the differences to you so I give you full credit for doing what I'd asked. Just like that.

Today when I picked you up from daycare you ran over to give me a hug and show me the pretend kitchen-ware you'd been playing with. I commented on your cooking skills then asked you if you were ready to go home. Sometimes you head for the door, sometimes you shake your head "no", and sometime you just cry and demand I pick you up. Tonight you did nothing so I asked you to go get your jacket so we could go home. You turned around, marched over to the pile of jackets on one of the low shelves, grabbed yours and walked back to me. When you reached me you promptly started to put it on. Since this is only your second day in this new classroom, this is not a habitual act. On the contrary, it was quite a novel request. You scanned the room for you jacket, saw it and went over to get it. Pretty cool.

Now...if you could just tell me what you want instead of screeching, everyone in the house, including you, would be a lot happier!
