Tuesday, June 05, 2007

all about me


On our trip to Seattle Grandma gave me my baby book, titled "All About Me". It's white with toys giraffe and puppy on the front -- each with a ribbon tied 'round it's neck -- and outlined in shiny silver.

Inside the front cover are two handprints, roughly half the length of current day, that were clearly contributed by the subject -- one seemingly traced, the other quite possibly free-handed. Other indicators suggest this may have been done at age two and a half. I believe I may have an actual memory of the act, which I find interesting because when asked before (like I first was by Mrs. Tsutsumi in the 6th grade), I've never been able to conjour up even a candidate for what my oldest memory may be.

Me not being the first-born there are unsurprisingly more spots blank than populated, but here is some trivia:

I was born bigger than you were, by six and a half ounces. A half-inch longer too, but by eighteen months your weight exceeded mine by nearly three pounds. You need only gain a mere eight pounds and a fraction to match my weight as a three-year-old.

I waited a few months longer for my first haircut, and you waited a few months longer to stand up and walk.

I was very shy starting pre-school at 3 years and 8 months, while you have been a socializer from your earliest days. I like to think you draw energy from being around people rather than recharging your batteries by spending time alone.

I just know you're enjoying reading about yourself at this age.


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