Thursday, June 12, 2008

boys night


Mom was out of town briefly (just about 48 hours) so last night we were left to our own defenses. We made the best of it.

On the way home from school we stopped at the "baba ganoush store", also known as the Falafel Drive-In, for dinner. We shared some baba ganoush, some hummus and lots of pita bread, but you greedily ate all of the cucumbers. After a while I let you try my banana shake. The look in your eyes when you tasted what you had been lead to believe was water was one of transfixed joy. You were very much 'in the moment'. As soon as you paused for a breath I took the shake back and told you it was my turn but that I'd give it back when I was done. "I can have some more some of that?" you said, with hopeful satisfaction in your voice.

After dinner you told me that you didn't want to go home, that you wanted to "go for a drive". We headed to the Lego store at the mall and had a good time playing with the samples and checking out the displays before taking a couple of escalator rides on our circuitous exit route.

Again, you made it clear that you didn't want to go home. Fortunately (for me) you have influence but not control. We headed straight home for a cup of milk and as close to your regular routine as we could get without Mom being there.


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