Saturday, August 12, 2006

itsy bitsy spider


Your favorite song is The Itsy Bitsy Spider and whatever song is in second place is so far behind as to have faded into irrelevance. You've loved Itsy Bitsy from the very first time Mom sang it to you.

You love it so much that we can use it as a tool to stop your crying. In the carseat on the tail end of a long drive or while your diaper is being changed, if we break out Itsy Bitsy we're always rewarded with a cheerful smile, sometimes even when we leave out the hand motions.

You love it when the rain comes down and tickles the length of you from head to toe, and when the Sun comes out you love to watch it move back and forth across the sky.

This morning you were even putting the fingertips of both hands together during the climbing phases. Very impressive.

This isn't the only song you've heard/seen that has hand motions along with it, but for reasons you'll probably never be able to explain, it is absolutely your favorite.


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