Friday, October 20, 2006

side sleeper


You are never more precious, more beautiful, than when you're fed, bathed, pj'd and falling asleep in someone's arms.

Over the last several weeks you've solidified your preference for rolling onto your left side to sleep after we put you in your crib at night. Mom has gotten especially good at putting you down on your side. When I try, you keep rolling all the way to your tummy and start crying.

Last night (it was Mommies Night) I gave you a bottle and held you for a little while before putting you down. You started to cry as I left, even standing up in your crib, but I just closed the door and went to find the baby monitor. I didn't make it five steps before you stopped crying and settled yourself in for the night. You were still asleep 11 hours and 45 minutes later when I left for work.


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