Tuesday, July 08, 2008



One of the great things about Family Camp is that we get to dump you off on somebody else for a while and go do fun things.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not that you're some albatross around our necks or that we don't love having you around, but the truth is that you do -- as any two and a half year old would -- change our stride just a bit.

We've been taking you to Smallworld most days from about 9am til 3pm. You're sometimes upset when you have to leave. They've been taking good care of you; dutifully applying sunscreen, keeping your hat on when you go outside, and letting you romp endlessly in the ball pit.

After a couple of days you learned the route from our room to Smallworld. We probably could have shoved you out the door in the morning and trusted that you'd find your way there -- but we didn't.

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